Fourdee post at 2016-3-31 00:03:40

trpaslikcz replied at 2016-3-28 13:20
The kernel you use misses 1.3GHz capability and uses only two dvfs operating points leading to the S ...

Community fix by Thomas Kaiser for vcore/clocks will be applied during v115 patch:

Fourdee post at 2016-4-5 17:23:15

V115 is released. This contains a patch for the comminuty vcore/freq fix:

Simply run the following to update a current DietPi installation:

Kit post at 2016-4-12 01:19:09

Thanks for adding kaiser script. Could you just add a screen where we can choose the max frequency ? I got some Pi PC which run a bit hot (65°C where next ones run@55°C), and i would reduce a bit frequency and voltage in order to fix the overheating (which will increase when summer will come).

Fourdee post at 2016-4-13 19:56:32

Kit replied at 2016-4-11 17:19
Thanks for adding kaiser script. Could you just add a screen where we can choose the max frequency ? ...
DietPi-Config has a performance options menu, that will allow you to limit max CPU clock, if its available in the kernel.

tremded post at 2016-4-15 04:24:57

Hey man.. how can i install the system on a EMMC? i configured diet pi on a orange pi plus board and work very well.. congrats..

Just don't know how to install on 8gb emmc

Kit post at 2016-4-21 03:40:06

Fourdee replied at 2016-4-13 19:56
DietPi-Config has a performance options menu, that will allow you to limit max CPU clock, if its av ...


OPi PC seems to not have this feature :/

So, I use these commands :

wget -O /usr/local/bin/ ""
chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/
sudo nano /usr/local/bin/
sudo reboot

That allows to choose the max freq.

oppai post at 2016-4-22 20:27:24

when auto install end dietpi reboot orange pi pc
but orange pi have been power off
so AC adapter off and AC adapter on then restart
I think it is not normal
as result /DietPie/dietpi/login no such file
diet-pi* command size 0
there are many /boot/FSCK* files
only electrical problem?
I need information what to do

Jindra200 post at 2016-5-4 01:31:44

extern usb drive mount samba server ?step by step

Fourdee post at 2016-5-6 22:57:05

Edited by Fourdee at 2016-5-6 14:58

OPi kernel security exploit has been detected by ARMbian devs
This affects images with 3.4 kernel (including Loborisimage which DietPi for OPi is based on):

We have created a new image based on ARMbian which removes the exploit.
The image is currently in testing and will be rolled out ASAP. You can try the updated DietPi image here:

You can test your system for the exploit by running:
echo "rootmydevice" > /proc/sunxi_debug/sunxi_debug

If the exploit is active on your system, you will get the following in return:
root@DietPi:~# echo "rootmydevice" > /proc/sunxi_debug/sunxi_debug

If the exploit is disabled on your system, you will get the following in return:
root@DietPi:~# echo "rootmydevice" > /proc/sunxi_debug/sunxi_debug
-bash: /proc/sunxi_debug/sunxi_debug: No such file or directory

Fourdee post at 2016-5-9 20:33:57

DietPi for OrangePi PC images have been updated, now based on ARMbian. This resolves the previous security exploit on the Loboris image we previously used.
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