bronco post at 2016-1-1 00:01:46

Fourdee replied at 2015-12-31 02:21
Not yet. Do not currently own one

Which camera are you using, is it this one?

In case you order the camera keep in mind that if you use the Orange Pi PC you need to tell them. Since then they ship the needed expansion board you can see in the gallery:

And in case you integrate (or load by default) gc2305 driver please think about adopting @lex' patches:

joma post at 2016-1-8 22:59:10


This distribution (DietPI) have the drivers for RT3070 (USB Wireless adapter) and RTL2832 (DVB-T Adapter)?


Fourdee post at 2016-1-10 01:35:23

joma replied at 2016-1-8 14:59

This distribution (DietPI) have the drivers for RT3070 (USB Wireless adapter) and RTL2832 (DVB- ...

Hi Joma,

DietPi for OPI currently uses the Debian Jessie image by Loboris. As far as I know, those images do not support USB WiFi adapters. As for RTL2832, not sure, you'd need to try it.

vlad_ru post at 2016-1-15 03:39:32

*DietPi for OPI currently uses the Debian Jessie image by Loboris*
I'm sorry but in Debian_jessie_mini by Loboris wifi dongle with RTL8188CU working good for me.
In DietPi with RTL8188CU impossible connect to wpa2 network. So may be problem no with kernel?

AlexT2000 post at 2016-1-15 04:01:52

Edited by AlexT2000 at 2016-1-17 21:28

Hi, v6 wi fi rtl8188eu (0bda:0179) it's work. v4 don't work.

Kit post at 2016-1-18 02:23:25


I have 4 Orange Pi PC running on DietPi. I updated them today from 105 to 106, and updated the firmware by the way.

When they rebooted, they stuck on an purple empty screen. I tried without updating the firmware, and they run ok (but without firmware update, the black is purple. Weird thing but previous firmware update corrected this).

Do you know if there is a problem with loboris firmware or with the combination between new firmware and dietpi 106 ?

Thank you for the work on this OS.

Galeots post at 2016-1-29 04:19:14

DietPi not worck for orange pi plus! help pls

zgoda post at 2016-1-29 07:31:58

Galeots replied at 2016-1-29 04:19
DietPi not worck for orange pi plus! help pls

Buy OPi PC or use another system image.

Wolfman post at 2016-2-4 06:58:46

Hi Fourdee.
Can You tell me will DietPi for Opi PC will work with i2s DAC?
It would be great.

Ps. sorry for my english.

Fourdee post at 2016-2-5 22:25:14

Kit replied at 2016-1-17 18:23

I have 4 Orange Pi PC running on DietPi. I updated them today from 105 to 106, and updated t ...

If you ran the firmware update from dietpi-config > advanced, Loboris kernel update script is then run. As DietPi does not modifiy from the stock Loboris firmware, it would appear the firmware update broke your system?

When you ran the firmware update, did you select the correct OPI board?

I checked the DietPi 105>106 patch code and we didnt modify any of the firmware or kernel.
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