Edited by gaara at 2015-3-25 10:31
Thanks RaveenBouy,
It's complicated !
I have seen again the t3l3m4k0's pic and ok, I understand now. He had plugged his batt under the board, not in the sata power. (sorry for this mistake, I havn't read his comment)
So if I understand this, this input is planned for a 3.7V battery, but for a 3.7V current ? I mean, for exemple a 12V battery with a 3.7V step-down has a chance to work for the gauge ? I'm not sure...
I'm a little lost with this AXP209 datasheet, and I don't want to take any risk. So maybe I will not have any gauge, just the power bank leds indicator, and the classical input for power.
Anyway, all the battery configuration is in the fex file, in pmu_configuration section.