Edited by @GUTEK@ at 2016-2-13 02:39
I have not used for a long time OpenELEC on Opi One. It seems that it works correctly. It works network card and USB. Hardware acceleration work, I tried video 1080p HEVC and 4k h264 sample, TV also works.
Oddly shows little RAM - 297MB only, of which about half is used.
I also tried Debian, when starting displays this errors: http://linux-sunxi.org/Orange_Pi_One#Compatibility
Probably the OpenELEC is the same (not checked).
There is no light any led on the board, on the Debian was lit red.
Yet found s_cir0 assigned to pin PL11 (for this is connected the receiver ir in Opi PC) in the file linux-awh3-3.4/drivers/pinctrl/pinctrl-sun8iw7.c
I changed there for the pin to which I have connected the receiver and compiled kernel, but also it did not work.
I guess I have to wait until someone wiser figure this out
Ok, I'm blind. Next to the CPU is the point solder, described as ir_rx. It was enough to connect the receiver and it works without any modification.