I have found that OP PC is easy to get up and running with Linux , everything else is hard. It is a piece of cake to get Linux (Debian 8, thank you loboris) running and connected to WiFi. And then everything else gets tough to impossible to do. I have spent days reading the OP forum trying to get OP PI to work with any OP or RPI program examples. I loaded Sunxi, wiringpi, and on and on and all I can do is light a couple of LEDS , and then only from the command line. The program examples anywhere in the forum do not seem to work and I am beginning to suspect that the OP PC IO pinout is very different and works differently from anything suggested in the OP ( and RPI) forums. I managed to figure out by cross referencing between RPI and OP some of the GPIO but I am not expert enough to repair the code or the cross reference the IO or recognize all that is missing. A lot of what I did was trial and error. In essence, until someone experienced in PI interfacing decodes how OP IO really maps to RPI and test, or writes new, the wiringpi examples then OP will likely hit a dead end. Its a really nice board but because it does not have basic support it is not useful to the hobbyist community (hacker, modder , experimenter, maker, ...)
Please don't suggest I search the OP forum. I have been days paging through hundreds of posts in both OP and RPI forums. The OP info is missing, or incorrect, or vague, or disguised. :-)
I am sure some of the experts have gotten some of the GPIO to work in their code but none of their work seems to have made it onto this forum. I have successfully run example programs on ESP8266, RPI, and Arduino. I just can't get the OP to sing.
Someone please, show me I am wrong. |