Hello. I try to run 3.0 version on OrangePi Plus 2E, but it seems to not work correctly. After i skip joystick configuration no menu is shown, only Armbian terminal screen. I can go to Armbian desktop with strartx, but there is no way to run OpenElec, or go to any of emulations. Wicd is not working also in Armbian. I can configure wifi from interfaces, but why don't you use some newer version of Armbian with network manager, which work with no problems? Kodi in Armbian start only once, then brakes with some error (forgot to note). This is what i found so far. I use rufus and win32diskimager to write image to sd card. My hardware is ok, i guess.
Is there any other RetrOrangePi image i can download for Opi2E? Any mirror for 2.5 version or some newer bugfixed? I would be very appresiate.