> and if You read it, You will notice that is not SPI bus display.
this link
http://raspberrypi.stackexchange ... nd-3-95-tft-ili9488
tell that your module uses SPI. and hardware SPI here is faster than a couple of bits from different ports
> Orange Pi + this lcd = 15usd(Orange)+ 8usd(LCD) = 23 usd total (free free delivery,no tax because of low value), (You sugest 15+69 + delivery and probably tax depending on the country)
$15 + $11 = $26 usd if you reuse lcd from old notebook (pentium 1, 2, 3, 4, core 1, etc)
$15 + $11 + $24 = $50 usd total if you want to use new 10" IPS screen from Apple Ipad
> ehhh.. now topic is not clear
yes, this is a public forum, anyone can write here. but you can create your own, closed, very clear, where you can speak with only youself.