my project is this
1) 320GB HD with flac songs and some movie
2) Orange PI PC with Kodi
3) I2S DAC Teradak Sabre 9023 (http://www.teradak.com/products/84.html)
4) Amplifier class D with ( TPA3116
5) Full range speakers made some years ago (this project: http://home.kpn.nl/a.van.waarde/id3.htm).
The amplifier will take 19V from a linear power supplier; thedac will take 3.6V from a litium battery (i will bypass internal circuit): the same battery will give )with a board like this http://lygte-info.dk/review/Review%20Charger%20TP4056%20UK.html 5V to Orange PI if should be a black out).
Arduino will automation all.
I want comand all with a IR remote controller
I tested the image prepared by ua3nbw: i installed LXDE, but the system was a litle slow; I tested armbian 5.10 too, but was necessary one minute for startup....
For my use the best solution is OpenElec: last saturday i downloaded the image from here: its very fast (it use less 160MB when is just switch on; it used 400MB when i watched a football match from internet streaming), nice and versatile (there are a lot of plugin for watch internet channel, listen internet radio, play with arcade game, download torrent file, ecc....).
I must understand how run the I2S DAC, but i think now is not a big problem.