Hi all,
I would like to tell my opinion.
Wonderfull hardware without software is useless...
Please compare to company with an apple in logo, average hardware with good software + marketing = success...
Steven, can you please focus your attention more to software, please?
I am thinking, that software needs to be more developed at this moment, after that, why not to create a 'dedicated' in 3 sizes: LCD 3' 5' 7' + touch screen support - without 1000+ hours spent on the GOOGLE to fing how to...
I can not see any products in your store like that or I can not see any 'ready to go' case studies or 'HOW TO' use other hardware with Orange PI on the forum...
Other boards have many stuff like that, I am afraid, without this - this fantastic board will die soon due to lack of stuff, becase more that 80% users cannot re-compile KERNEL, or know how to use in example LCD etc. without manual... Not all of us are happy to spent 1000 hours on GOOGLE to find a solution how to... I like make fun with this board, to create a MAME console with proper joystics (like from coin-op machines), I like to play with LINUX, but I do not like to be MAD because of: old binaries, KERNEL, drivers, compatibility problems, etc...
Kind regards,