The uEnv mentioned in wiki obviously covers the script.bin method and it is for older 32bit cpu eg armv7 (sun7,sun8), whereas H5 is 64bit armv53 (sun50) and it is using another intialization method, the one that is in mainline and is named device tree.
The images provided are using the device tree method (.dts/.dtb).
That means we need to get the current device tree file used (/boot/orangepi/OrangePiH5orangepi.dtb)
de-compile it via the dtc tool (dtc tool needs to be installed first though with apt-get install device-tree-compiler)
modify the resulted .dts file to have 'screen0_output_mode = <0xa>;' in disp@01000000 definition
re-compile the previously resulted .dts into a new dtb, copy that over the older /boot/orangepi/OrangePiH5orangepi.dtb and reboot.
That was suposedly needed in order for any new resolution to work.
Yet we tested it and it is not working as it should..
that means most likely there is a bug in the newly released image.
Hopefully at some point, Buddy could release the required u-boot repository used to generate this image's uboot.bin and this could actually help us find a solution on how to change the resolution.