I received my board Orange Pi 2 weeks ago
try booting with lubuntu and bananian. Prepare 2 SD cards
one 8Gb / class 4
one 16Gb /class 10
these 2 SD cards were used before on Raspberry Pi.
Also try to format with SD format or reset card with dd
Transfer of the img were made with win32DidkImager and dd
With all these cards/systems/format combinations I never go to the complete boot !
I got 2 tux on the top of the screen but the boot sequence stops at the line : waiting for root device /dev/mmcblk0p2
When removing/putting the usb plug of my usb hub I got some lines saying "oh ! no more keyboard and mouse"
or "oh ! keyboard and mouse are here again..." and NUM LOCK and SHIFT LOOCK work on the keyboard
So some parts work but it could never mount mmcblk0p2
This afternoon I try Igor Pecovnick raw file. http://www.igorpecovnik.com/2015/01/18/orange-pi-debian-sd-image/
it's a Debian Wheezy for Orange Pi
The card is a brand new one : Samsung 16Go class 6
The raw file was writen on the SD card with imagewriter
When booting I got the same thing (a screen ful of messages) but now the last message is waiting for root device /dev/mmcblk0p1 usb keyboard in/out always send mesages when plug/unplug
Has anyone an idea about this? Can it be a hardware failure or something I made the wrong way ?
best regards