Edited by phreon at 2015-12-22 22:55
I will also make a new post of this in the beginners forum.
OP PC First Run ( about 30 minutes from box to running) Should work on the other OP boards.
You can just follow the tutorial below and it will get you there. For more detial take a look at:
http://www.orangepi.org/orangepi ... tra=page%3D1&page=1
and ....
http://www.cnx-software.com/2015 ... development-boards/
The above link is a post by "loboris", he deserves many thanks and donations. If not for his work I don't think Orange Pi's would be usable by anyone except the experts. I am just starting and though I know a little about Linux and even less about embedded systems. I was helped greatly by guys like loboris, jacer, igorpec, Jacaranda, zhao-steven, etc. Thanks to all.
On Windows
Creat a folder for you Orange Pi PC and download everything below into it.
Download Win32 Disk Imager
Download OrangePI_Jessie_Xfce.img.xz
https://drive.google.com/folderv ... WnVwSEU&usp=sharing
Download 7-Zip
unpack OrangePI_Jessie_Xfce.img.xz using 7zip (Windows)
Format your Micro SD card to FAT on Windows
Use Win32 Disk Imager to write OrangePI_Jessie_Xfce.img to FAT formated micro SD
unplug SD card and replug it in, you will see now a boot partition
in a windows command prompt go into that "boot" partition
copy uImage_OPI-2 uImage
copy script.bin.OPI-PC_720p60 script.bin
or whatever resolution your monitor or TV needs.
Eject the SD card from Windows and place it into your new OrangePi PC along with a keyboard, mouse, wireless dongle (or plug in your network) and power it up. You should see a Debian login screen. Username is "orangepi" and password is "orangepi"
At this point your OP should be running and display on a HDMI monitor or TV
Resize the file system, open a terminal.
this will allow you to use all of the space on your sd card.
my wireless dongle ( $2 from china) was recognized by the kernel. I added wireless from the Debian Desktop, set my SSID and and it just connected. Right Click on Network icon in the taskbar to do this.
open a terminal.
I then added me as a user:
sudo adduser XXX
where XXX is your new login name, it asks for a new password and you are good.
I than added me to the "sudo" group.
adduser XXX sudo
logout and relogin as XXX
Change the root password, ( after entering the command sudo it will ask for your password, enter it and now you are root. When you type passwd as root without a username it assumes you are changing the root password.)
sudo su
enter new password for root.
Download scriptbin_kernel.tar.gz
https://drive.google.com/folderv ... WnVwSEU&usp=sharing
cd into /home/XXX/Downloads
make a new directory and move scriptbin_kernel.tar.gz into it.
mv scriptbin_kernel.tar.gz "newdirectory"
expand scriptbin_kernel.tar.gz with:
tar -zxf scriptbin_kernel.tar.gz
Copy uImage_OPI-2 or uImage_OPI-PLUS (depending on your board type) to /media/boot.
Boot partition should be mounted to /media/boot in loboris images.
cp uImage_OPI-2 /media/boot
Copy one of the script.bin.OPI-XXXX (depending on your board type and desired monitor resolution) to script.bin in /media/boot
cp script.bin.OPI-PC_720p60 /media/boot
Backup your old kernel, script.bin and lib/modules/3.4.39 in case something goes wrong. (optional but advised :-) )
Copy lib/modules/3.4.39 directory to SD Card Linux partition (delete old first)
cp -avr /home/al/Downloads/scriptbin/lib/modules/3.4.39 /lib/modules
It looks great on my HDTV but I want to run it on my Acer x203H that has a DVI input not HDMI.
I used this tutorial to get DVI to HDMI adaptor to work. http://www.orangepi.org/orangepi ... =viewthread&tid=475
Special thanks to member zipob!
Basically it says this
Install sunxi-tools
sudo apt-get install sunxi-tools
Boot partition should be mounted to /media/boot in loboris images. As root, make backup of script.bin and convert it to script.fex with bin2fex and edit script.fex with editor of your choice
sudo su
cd /media/boot
cp script.bin script.bin.bak
bin2fex script.bin script.fex
nano script.fex
Find section [hdmi_para] and add these parameters under it, (it is way down in the file)
hdcp_enable = 0
hdmi_cts_compatibility = 1
Save the file and convert script.fex back to script.bin
fex2bin script.fex script.bin
reboot |