- OPi PC i2c/smbus - read data from laptop battery (0replays)
- GPIO ORANGE PI LITE (0replays)
- ds18B20 -- tempsensor -- OK (3replays)
- WiringOP and sh script (1replays)
- DPI output for LCD Orange Pi One (2replays)
- [SOLVED] how to find address UART in Orange Pi Zero? (1replays)
- wiring and enabling a SPDIF cable (1replays)
- Orangepi PC Plus UART 1,2,3 (1replays)
- Orange Pi lite and GPIO Problem (1replays)
- orange pi one + nodejs + gpio (0replays)
- GPIO: 5V pins (1replays)
- What is DI_TX and DI_RX ? (0replays)
- I2S audio card for the OPi Zero (2replays)
- H3 GMAC (19replays)
- Orange Pi PC AllWinner A13 LCD? (0replays)
- OrangePi PC2 40pin expansion connector (4replays)
- Orange Pi PC 3.95 inch display test (23replays)
- How the Bandwidth is used on the Zero? (0replays)
- Orange pi plus 2 and SATA (4replays)
- Streaming multiple independent audio-video TV outouts (0replays)