- oled ssd1306 I2C OK --- U8glib OK (1replays)
- Orange PI- no video and shuting down after 30-40 sec (4replays)
- serial (5replays)
- LTE/3G Modem to OrangePi2 (5replays)
- Min/max current, SPI-speed? (0replays)
- I2C User Space Driver on OrangePi PC Android (0replays)
- Detect SW4 (Power Button) + (4replays)
- poor man's interface for esp8266 - OK (1replays)
- Serial port 3 GPIO - OK (0replays)
- infra red remote hack - switch led on/off (1replays)
- Add ARPI600 an expansion board for Raspberry Pil (1replays)
- SD cards - Capacity & Performance (13replays)
- Minitor (1replays)
- Small GPIO lib (7replays)
- Orange Pi PC Schematic (6replays)
- why an HDMI -> DVI adapter doesn't work ? (28replays)
- LCD Module for Orange Pi PLUS (19replays)
- I²C interfacing (5replays)
- Orange PI mini 2 how to use UART 0-3? (0replays)
- Schematic of Orange Pi mini 2 (2replays)