I buy an OPI Zero Plus2 H5 but I know nothing about Orange or Pi, only Mac, PC and Arduino :-)
When I turn on my OPI Zero, I can see an android in chinese (not very usable, I'm french and I don't read the chinese), so for my project (use the OPI like a web client for read many Wemos D1 mini and their sensors) I need to change the OS to Raspbian.
I read the "how to" in the web site of Orange Pi, and I try to mount the image disk with Raspbian on a microSd card with my iMac and after with my PC. Normally everything is rigth (no error message from my computers), but when I insert the SD card on
the OPI, nothing happened ! I waiting, and nothing too. I 've tryed put the SD and turn on, turn on and put the SD, turn on wait the booting on Android (chinese remember) and nothing again.
So what I doing wrong ??
Somebody can helping me to change the OS (and in the same time using SSH on my iMac, it'll be more comfortable than on the TV).