Edited by Fourdee at 2016-5-6 14:58
OPi kernel security exploit has been detected by ARMbian devs
This affects images with 3.4 kernel (including Loborisimage which DietPi for OPi is based on): https://github.com/Fourdee/DietPi/issues/312
We have created a new image based on ARMbian which removes the exploit.
The image is currently in testing and will be rolled out ASAP. You can try the updated DietPi image here: http://dietpi.com/downloads/testing/DietPi_OrangePi-PC-(Jessie).7z
You can test your system for the exploit by running:
- echo "rootmydevice" > /proc/sunxi_debug/sunxi_debug
Copy code
If the exploit is active on your system, you will get the following in return:
- root@DietPi:~# echo "rootmydevice" > /proc/sunxi_debug/sunxi_debug
- root@DietPi:~#
Copy code
If the exploit is disabled on your system, you will get the following in return:
- root@DietPi:~# echo "rootmydevice" > /proc/sunxi_debug/sunxi_debug
- -bash: /proc/sunxi_debug/sunxi_debug: No such file or directory
Copy code