Edited by jaga2001 at 2021-12-10 15:29
Blood grouping is an important medical procedure which includes classification of an individuals blood in one of 8 major blood types. Traditional ways of blood grouping have become obsolete in this era of digitalization. Modern techniques include image processing of classic agglutination method and much more complex procedures. If we detect the blood group using image processing technology then the small error in the results which are calculated and given by human is reduced. Using image processing technology, we can give the best result as this technology is growing faster and faster. This method can quickly and accurately classify the blood group. In the proposed automatic blood grouping technique machine learning is used to classify blood types. With the help of latest 64-bit microprocessors and optical sensors i.e., camera the model is trained and is made to learn based on the classification.First, I've decided to use Raspberry pi, but after a long search i found Orange pi and its advantages over Rpi.
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