I am already using two OrangePi Zero to build Docker images and do various OSS work (in link with the openSTF project).
I am trying to convince HypriotOS team to make a port of their OS to the Zero (which works pretty well under Armbian).
I am also using gitlab-ce for my continuous integration, and would like to make an optimized armv7l version port.
The main problem is the SDCard, which will die one of these days because of the heavy IO... So I will get the extension card to plug a disk in it... or use an USB powered hub to use an USB disk.
I am already publishing on DockerHub my images built with or for my OrangePis. If I manage to make an optimized version of the gitlab-ce runner for Arm, I will of course open source it.
A few Zero cards, an extension card for HDDs, or another board with the same proc and 1GB would be helpful... Even an SDCARD or stickers would be appreciated .