I've been unable to locate the answer otherwise in the forums or with Google. I apologize in advance if this has been answered elsewhere.
I've just received my OPi Zero and loaded 'Armbian_5.24_Orangepizero_Debian_jessie_3.4.113' onto the SD card. I was expecting to operate headless and connect via Ethernet initially. WiFi comes later.
The OPi seems to start up okay (blinnking LED). My router DHCP screen shows assigning an IP address to 'orangepizero', so linux is getting that far.
I get no response when I try to access the OPi using SSH, so I'm stuck at this point. The Ethernet LED's are lit, but that doesn't really mean anything.
I'm using a 5V/2A power supply that works well with Raspberry Pi's (RPi 3.0) and I've tried multiple SD cards. The results are the same.
Any thoughts on how to turn on SSH, pick a more appropriate distro, or otherwise access the OPi?
How are others making this work?
Bruce Raymond