Edited by Fourdee at 2016-5-9 12:32
Lightweight justice for your Orange Pi
Available images:
- Orange Pi PC: Download (DietPi.com)
- Orange Pi 2: TBA (read notes below)
- Orange Pi Plus: TBA (read notes below)
- For more information regarding DietPi in general: http://dietpi.com
- DietPi for Orange Pi PC is built with ARMbian build tools.
- The current DietPi image is for Orange Pi PC (OPI-PC). Orange Pi (Plus / 2) are untested and would require you to overwrite script.bin from /boot/bin/, before booting.
- WiFi is untested.
- Kodi has been disabled in dietpi-software (Lack of GPU driver for H3 that supports hardware acceleration).
- dietpi-config > display options > resolution. Only supports OPI-PC, dont use this if your not running the OPI-PC board.
- I will continue to add features and bug fixes for this image, using the DietPi-Update system which supports online patching.
Please report bugs using dietpi-bugreport and create a Git issue ticket:
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Created by Dan Knight (Fourdee)
Sourcecode (Github)
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