First, thanks for the time taken to read and answer this questions! I see that they are a lot of peoples that really know about these things!
I have a very big problem, and sincerelly i was working hard (I cannot allow that a Linux system doesn't works ) without find a solution:
I'm trying to make a Ubuntu Xenial distribution using the provided scripts and I cannot see anything on the screen. I have tried with the SDK provided in:
https://github.com/OrangePiLibra/OrangePi_H5SDK and https://github.com/orangepi-xunlong/OrangePi_Build.
After compile all and flash all to the SD using these tools, and connect the power, I doesn't see anything on the HDMI screen.
On the creates SD card, I can see 21Mb of free space and then, the Boot partition (named BOOT, 52 Mb) and the second one named rootfs (ext4, 1,2Gb), then the remaining free space.
A detail, when it tries to boot, it turns on the yellow led for a short time (less than 3 seconds) and it turns of. I have tested the same with other distribution that works and it has the same behavior, but after that it starts.
Contents of the Boot partition:
backup initrd.img orangepi uEnv.txt
initrd.img orangepi uEnv.txt
OrangePiH5.dtb uImage
OrangePiH5.dtb uImage
The rootfs partition has the expected directories:
bin boot dev etc home lib lost+found media mnt opt proc root run sbin srv sys tmp usr var
Can somebody light me ?