You need to build this download infrastructure if you want to move away from a simple free cloud solution
This is simply not true. Github does not require any infrastructure, just upload the file, done. There are no limits, the only caveat being each file must be less than 2GB which is rarely exceeded anyway, and when it is, its easy to split the file.
Torrents require minimal infrastructure, being, a single PC seeding the files. That PC doesn't need a fantastic internet connection either, as long as its online someone downloading the files will EVENTUALLY get it.
MegaCloud simply refuses to let me download ANY of the RK3399 images without complaining they exceed my free quota AND if i want them I have to give them money. Why OrangePI think this is an acceptable way to distribute files to end users is a mystery to me.
In my SPECIFIC case, I am trying to get firmware images for the RK3399 board I purchased from OrangePI. That is neither a stable nor work in progress board from Armbian, SO, it Seems like I will end up with a useless board. I will never be able to get firmware for it without paying for a download service, which i point blank refuse to do, ever. Especially as I feel like I am being unnecessarily forced to do it by OrangePi. By the time Armbian supports it (which the Armbian devs are under no obligation to do) i will have lost interest.
Regardless, it is very bad form to force people to use a paid download service and is no way to encourage community.
I proposed two EASY and FREE ways of achieving this, USE GitHub or Post Torrents. Neither are difficult, and Neither require Infrastructure. |