OK, I think it's better you understand what you need to change right?
look, this is the default:
- "bootdelay=3\0" \
- "bootcmd=run setargs_nand boot_normal\0" \
- "console=ttyS0,115200\0" \
- "nand_root=/dev/nandd\0" \
- "mmc_root=/dev/mmcblk0p7\0" \
- "init=/init\0" \
- "loglevel=8\0" \
- "setargs_nand=setenv bootargs console=${console} root=${nand_root}" \
- "init=${init} loglevel=${loglevel} partitions=${partitions}\0" \
- "setargs_mmc=setenv bootargs console=${console} root=${mmc_root}" \
- "init=${init} loglevel=${loglevel} partitions=${partitions}\0" \
- "boot_normal=sunxi_flash read 40007800 boot;boota 40007800\0" \
- "boot_recovery=sunxi_flash read 40007800 recovery;boota 40007800\0" \
- "boot_fastboot=fastboot\0"
Copy code
What do you think it's needed to change?
look at you error messages.
You have not posted the complet error log.
cant find part named boot
sunxi_flash - sunxi_flash sub-system
sunxi_flash read command parmeters :
parmeters 0 : addr to load(hex only)
parmeters 1 : the name of the part to be load
[parmeters 2] : the number of bytes to be load(hex only)
if [parmeters 2] not exist, the number of bytes to be load is the size of the part indecated on partemeter 1
boota: bad boot image magic, maybe not a boot.img?
hint: cant find part named boot