I would like to build a smart home monitoring system which uses Orange Pi Plus. This is a central server which monitors home using USB camera. Linux utility "Motion" is used to capture images intelligently. Motion is open source utility which constantly grabs images from camera with predefined frame rate and compares the current capture with previous capture. If the difference in pixels is greater than predefined value then the current image is stored in designated location. This captured image is then provided to OpenCV to detect face and match it against the database of face built earlier. If match is not found then that image is forwarded to admin/user using telegram client which can be found here. Admin can add new faces to database and add number of users who is supposed to receive intruder alert with image. A SATA HDD is used to store "Motion" detected images. Once the entire storage is filled, last stored images will be deleted on day basis.This monitoring can be switched on/off using telegram message to system such as "startmon" or "stopmon". This system can be configured to notify user when specific person is in home. This again is done using Motion and OpenCV. |