Just wanted to let you know that because of your inquiry we have added the ability to the installer in 1.2.4 to make SDcard images like you were trying. This should also help out Windows users who don't have a SDcard reader/writer on their linux system (meaning you can use a shell account or VPS to create the image now). You will need to make a few more changes in configs, but it should work in 1.2.4. We are currently testing 1.2.4 and will likely release in the next 48 hours. If you would like to help us test new images, please come by our IRC channel #H3Droid on Freenode or PM me here and we will let you know how you can access testing releases and help us test!
Hi @hostkit, you can boot your board from linux ( eg armbian ) from an sdcard, have maybe H3droid installer on it or an usbkey, and target the /dev/mmcblkX device that represent your emmc with the setting OUTDEV in 00_conf file ,
do not forget to login as root , and wipe partition table of emmc before running install .
These aren't the Droids you're looking for. . .You look for H3Droid !
I'm having a problem with getting the wifi to work on my old OPi2. I tried editing the script as per the FAQ on the site, but it didn't help. Any suggestions?
I'm having a problem with getting the wifi to work on my old OPi2. I tried editing the script as per the FAQ on the site, but it didn't help. Any suggestions?
If you are using a USB dongle attached to the board and the driver firmware is available in most cases it will bring up the dongle. If not, you may need to ssh into the board and insert the module manually using insmod the first time. Once the module has been inserted turn on wifi in the gui and it should go through some stuff and reboot on you. Once rebooted it should come up. You can get a little more info on this method from http://www.orangepi.org/orangepi ... &extra=page%3D1 where @robi217 tested and got his wifi working.
If the module is not available you can let us know which dongle you are using and maybe we can include the drivers in future releases.
If you want help troubleshooting you can always join our IRC channel on Freenode and when available we will be happy to help you.
If you are using a USB dongle attached to the board and the driver firmware is ava ...
I will try it with a USB dongle when mine arrives in the mail, the issue I'm having is with the on-board wifi, which I believe is the same as in the Orange Pi PC.