Hello, I brought two Orange Pi Plus 2E from aliexpress, and i wish to use them as Media Centre on my TV.
I am also an ubuntu user on my pc since 2007. I'm confortible with linux enviroment, but I am new to ARM systems so I got tons of questions.
First, I wish to install Ubuntu Mate on my orange pi. And wireless and full hd video support should work well. Android 5 or 6 would be nice too, but as far as I understand, latest versions of the android did not adopted yet.
My problem is, I am having trouble to find relevant information on the forums. Also downloads page of the orangepi is not maintained.
For instance no Ubuntu Mate link on downloads page for Orange Pi Plus 2E.
Also, Lubuntu_1404_For_OrangePi_Plus2E_v0_8_0.img.xz link is broken in both baidu and google drive. I've tried a lot of images from this page, but most of them was incomplete. Some of them didn't run wifi, some of them didn't use hardware video decoder etc.
I searched a lot in forums and I've found some relevant image files.
Now I'm using: Armbian_5.25_Orangepiplus2e_Ubuntu_xenial_default_3.4.113_desktop.img
This works too slow on desktop, a little unresponsive. (4-5 seconds to open firefox for instance). Wifi, usb and video decoding works. (Full screen videos works, It wasn't working on other images, but ubuntu mate was slightly faster)
But there are some bugs in video decoding. I've tried a video with an AVI file with MPEG-4, 24FPS, AC3 sound, 48000samp, 384kbps 720p video. VLC couldn't open it, and default armbian player opened it as unwatchable and glitchy. But sound was ok. It's working very good in software rendering mode, but when in full screen it just starting to freeze.
Here's the Ubuntu Mate versions that I tried:
Found them from this forums, both has different sizes, but they are not for my orange pi model obviously, because both wifi and video decoder does not work.
I wish to use Ubuntu Mate
How should I proceed? Where can I find ubuntu mate modified to run with my orange pi model?
Thank you all.