Edited by rajib at 2015-9-5 07:28
I am running Ubuntu Mate 15.04 by Loboris. The OPi-M2 is simple placed on the table in the open and it is not inside any case etc.
I have stuck a coin on top of the H3 CPU using a little HY710 thermal paste. The coin is acting as heat-sink (probably very ineffective too). This is temporary till the ceramic heat-sink arrives from AliExpress.
On the desktop, CPU Frequency Scaling Monitor 1.8.1 is running and the mode is set-to Conservative. During idle-states, the CPU Frequency drops to 480 MHz. In case of generic activity, it scales up-to 1.2 GHz. It touches 1.5 GHz sporadically.
During heavy-use, the cat report temperature on 71 (C or F?). As the system returned to idle-state, the temperature very gradually reduced to 62. I used a kitchen-thermometer to measure the temperature of the coin. During heavy-use, it touched 55 C.
Even during idle-state, the coin is too hot to be held and will cause a burn-injury.
I think an active heat-sink is strongly recommended to ensure the long-life of the OPi. |