Edited by Tankafaire at 2015-1-18 11:36
Hi all,
I have a problem with Orange Pi (normal model) : No startup, black screen. (HDMI or VGA)
- I use a 8 Go SD card class10, or a 8Go class 4: no change.
- Android or Bananian, download from here
- cheksum ok, image writen with dd in Ubuntu for Bananian, Windows for Android (PhoenixCard).
- Alimentation: 5V 1A, micro USB or round plug, no change (works with raspberry).
I have just a red led. Tried to reboot the card, pressed the button 10s. The red led is 1/2 lighted, and retry to start: Nothing at the screen.
I have also seen melted varnish around the HDMI interface, you can see the pic: is it normal?

Must I change my Orange ??