QuickBooksError Code PS038 is a payroll error that can be encountered by users inQuickBooks anytime. This error occurs when a user tries to run the payroll.Payroll allows the users to rack the income and expenses while apprising themof the multifold tax deduction opportunity. Payroll is responsible for trackingsales, sending estimates, making invoices, running the reports and distributingwages to employees. Payroll can face several error codes that appear in theform of error code series PSXXX. In this section, we will reveal the potentialsteps to overcome QuickBooks error PS038.
Steps to Troubleshoot QuickBooks Error PS038
Listed beloware some of the potential measures that can effectively be proven successful inresolving this issue. Let’s go through them: Step 1:Toggle payments that are in a deadlock Step 2:Verify and rebuild utility Step 3:Update and backup QuickBooks data To Fix QuickBooks Error PS038 Step 4: Sendpayroll data or usage data Step 5: Lookfor stuck paychecks Step 6: Restorea different backup copy Step 7 isable the antivirus temporarily To Fix QuickBooks Error PS038 Step 8:Maintaining the accuracy of tax information Step 9: Don’tkeep the file on a network Step 10:Repair QuickBooks Resolvingthis error is relatively straightforward when following the steps outlinedabove. If you need further assistance, feel free to reach out to our QuickBookssupport team at our helpline number +1-844-499-6700.