This post was finally edited by OARB at 2023-5-31 20:03
Hi, I am new to Linux based systems and Orange Pi 5. For a project, I need to use a flow sensor and display the flow rate.
I am using a flow sensor with sends pulses. The Orange Pi creates an interrupt to read the pulses and increase a counter, and the flow rate is caluclated based on that. I am facing an error while running the file that: "wiringPiISR: unable to open /sys/class/gpio/gpio138/value: No such file or directory
The code that I am using:
import time
import ctypes
# Load the WiringPi library
wiringpi = ctypes.CDLL('libwiringPi.so')
# Constants
# Set up WiringPi
# Set pin mode to INPUT
wiringpi.pinMode(FLOW_SENSOR_PIN, 0)
# Variables
pulse_count = 0
flow_rate = 0.0
# Function to handle interrupt
def handle_interrupt():
global pulse_count
pulse_count += 1
# Configure interrupt handler
wiringpi.wiringPiISR(FLOW_SENSOR_PIN, INT_EDGE_FALLING, ctypes.CFUNCTYPE(None)(handle_interrupt))
# Start the program
print("Flow Sensor Reading Started")
# Main loop
while True:
# Reset pulse count
pulse_count = 0
# Delay for 1 second
# Calculate flow rate
calibration_factor = 4.5 # Calibration factor for the flow sensor
flow_rate = (pulse_count / 7.5) * calibration_factor # Calculate flow rate in liters per minute
# Print flow rate
print("Flow rate: {:.2f} L/min".format(flow_rate))
except KeyboardInterrupt:
# Cleanup GPIO pins
wiringpi.pinMode(FLOW_SENSOR_PIN, 0)
print("\nFlow Sensor Reading Stopped")
What am I doing wrong or missing out?