Yesterday I was able to have my Orange PI Plus working using the new OrangePI_PLUS_Debian_jessie_base.img. I prepared the microSD on another PC with Ubuntu.
After writing the image onto SD, I copied the uImage_OPI-PLUS in the BOOT partition, that in my case was /media/BOOT, so the command was
cp uImage_OPI-PLUS /media/BOOT/uImage
After that I run these two commands
dd if=boot0_sdcard_OPI-PLUS.fex of=/dev/sdb bs=1k seek=8
dd if=u-boot_OPI-PLUS.fex of=/dev/sdb bs=1k seek=16400
where /dev/sdb is the SD card reader inserted in a USB port.
The files used to do this was extracted from "boot_kernel.tar.gz", but you can find the same files in "boot_kernel_lib.tar.gz".
But this is what the "update_boot.sh" script do.
The network was ok, and using putty I ran the script /usr/local/bin/install_mate_desktop
The installation was successfull, and now I'm able to connect in remote using x2go client.
There is no audio because it is not installed. See post #91 about this problem and other problem.
http://www.orangepi.org/orangepi ... 8&fromuid=16899
Later I will try to install audio as suggested in post #95
http://www.orangepi.org/orangepi ... 4&fromuid=16899
I tried also "OrangePI_Ubuntu_vivid_Mate.img". It is ok, with hdmi audio working, altough I prefer to use Debian version, if other problems will be solved. |