Edited by loboris at 2015-6-23 07:18
I'm glad you've got network working.
You cannot expect to have audio in base image, there are nothing related to audio installed.
There are some problems with Debian jessie, that's why I've not uploaded Debian desktop image.
Some applications wont run without root privileges (they run only if started with sudo), nano, htop, pluma...
It is still complete mystery to me, it has probably something to do with policykit, but for now there is no solution.
Video does not work well, there are no hardware video acceleration for now. I can watch video up to 480p in SMPlayer without problem.
If you want to watch youtube videos in browser, it will never be possible on this board (on Linux).
Please use the Ubuntu images for now.
My Ubuntu Mate installation boots to login screen in less then 20 sec. Try to install plymouth-disabler package.
Good news, I've got OPI-2 running at full 1.54 GHz, with no core killed. I'm testing it for stability.