Edited by kaiser at 2017-1-13 23:20
A) Just with all Linux images for any Allwinner boards watching video HW accelerated in any browser does not work. Period. It can't work and that's due too high fragmentation here (every ARM SoC vendor using an own video engine) and the lack of devs wanting to spend time on this.
B) It is confirmed by exactly the guy who commited Cedrus support for H3 (jemk, Jens Kuske) that it's also working for H5 in the same way. As already mentioned all that's needed is the necessary environment (that means stuff like memory reservations, the necessary packages, config files and env variables, eg. this stuff https://github.com/igorpecovnik/ ... arddeb.sh#L272-L278 )
C) In the past community started pretty fast fixing all this stuff since default OS images from Xunlong were unfortunately not that great. In the meantime that changed since Xunlong hired someone (or even more people) to do software. This seems to discourage community members to spend their time with this boring basic stuff since why should any volunteer do the necessary steps for free when Xunlong pays someone else to do the job. So in the end Xunlong now spending more money on software seems to have quite the opposite effect of what has been intended
D) If I would have an OPi PC 2 here I would've already tested what's outlined in B) above since it's a no-brainer. The settings are known and arm64 packages available: http://beta.armbian.com/pool/ -- the problem is: I sent my PC 2 developer sample to jemk from B) above so I've nothing to play with. And this was the correct decision since jemk as a real developer added DRAM support for mainline u-boot in almost no time: https://github.com/jemk/u-boot/tree/apritzel-h5-dram (and now other linux-sunxi devs could continue with mainline kernel work for H5)
E) If all those people spending so much time on useless complaints would at least start to contribute in a useful way (see B) and D) above) you could already have what you want (at least HW accelerated video decoding up to 4K in mpv, maybe easily accessible from within common browser as outlined here https://forum.armbian.com/index. ... -very-slow/?p=23024 ). Instead: Only lame whining.
F) If you want a TV box then buy a TV box instead of a development board.