Edited by ryba84 at 2015-1-23 21:51
According to this: http://linux-sunxi.org/Wifi the RTL8188ETV chipset is supported by sunxi-3.4 branch of https://github.com/linux-sunxi/linux-sunxi. Proper kernel module is 8188eu. But to use this You must enable usb wifi in script.bin. I'm waiting for my board to arrive and cannot test this, but I've compiled kernel with proper modules and if anyone interested i can share kernel and headers packed in deb for Debian based distros. My kernel have only compiled in ext4 support [btrfs, xfs etc are modules] but it should be enought to start very big range of distributions (I don't know what is the default filesystem in Bananian, but if it is ex2/ext3/ext4 it will be working).
I forget my kernel uses this sources https://github.com/dan-and/linux-sunxi.