Edited by meadrocks at 2016-11-15 00:16
Got the board, hooked it all up. Flashed the card, booted, and it worked correctly. I tried it with 3 other sd cards including the 1 that had previously failed & they all worked. Strange. I did notice that the thing that takes the longest time is the resize fs, on my 32 Gig cards it took over 10 minutes for the resize to complete. I wonder if people aren't being patient enough to allow it to complete. Other than that on the Samsung TV it works great, mpeg2, 264 & 265 content played beautifully. Today I connected it to a Seiki 4K TV, set the resolution to 4K & it does not work, even after a reboot. After a few minutes the OPi is overheating, i can smell the plastic case getting hot, had to unplug it. After a reboot or two it went back to 1920x1080. I was really hoping that 4K mode would work. |