Edited by rodolfo at 2016-4-26 19:52
There are three OPI boards missing on the market :
$5 minimal 1W board ( stripped down OPI ONE-ZERO with sane power supply )
> cheap+powerful alternative to Raspi A+ and RaspiZeroAvailability
$10 universal low cost board à la OPI PC
> cheap+powerful alternative to Raspi 2
$20 high end 64bit, eMMC, GbE, USB3
> cheap+vastly more powerful alternative to Raspi 3
No crappy cameras, non-working wifi and other unsupported 'extras' to call it PLUS, ENHANCED, X-2, X-3 etc..., just sound supported basics and fast interfaces ! The rest is up to the community anyway as there is no software support from the vendor ( migth be smart to validate Armbian and slightly nudge Allwinner as well ... )
Ok ... I'll shut up now as I am just a customer. Some companies do very well by listening to their happy customers and hardly anyone can do without them.