I won't express this right so forgive me. On cold boot, I now see the OPI seal, the OpenELEC Splash, then I get a error "ding", and just Black screen, with no video on my 24" Vizio monitor @1080p. I've got a workaround, but, it's kind of annoying to have to keep using it. By toggeling the HDMI input, the video starts displaying normally. I'm supprised ther isn't a simple way to get it to start up without this error?
And, I've got a theory that may help someone, on my NTP time/date fall back issue (without using the DS3231 RTC's I bought). The OPI misses the internet (routers) signal, after a household power loss. Or, to say it different the OPI starts, before the router finishes it's starting up routine, So, it falls back to the Unix time/date stamp application and desplays "January 31, 1969 07:00". Wouldn't the "Wait for internet option" in OpenELEC config, allow for correction, delaying the OpenELEC startup?
It doesn't help that, I run my router/cable modem, into a seperate switch. So, it tends not to recover, until I've run the units back to the modem direct & cold boot it again. It's not all that easy to recreate the error, so, it's all theory on why it ocours, beause it normally takes me, a long time to get it to correct it's self.