Edited by chaszim at 2016-6-3 09:55
The Orange Pi looks almost totally dead without a proper OS version (on a good class10 SD card at least 8GB or larger) loaded. No other OS's, (like "noobs" the one for the Raspberry Pi) will work with the OPI.
The only indiacation that shows up is when you plug it, is the LAN lights will come on and stay lit, (when it's connected to the router) If these light, I'd say you've likely got a good board, and are just having some software issue where the OS isn't loading. I've also seen this issue (so too many times) on other forums like Facebooks OPI page ans it's always that the OS isn't loading.
The best SD cards to try are Sandisk. Kingston or AData, most of the generic card should work, but none have proven themselves like the a for mentioned.
Have you tried any of the linux versons found on the forum? And are you getting the same issue? How are you loading them to the SD card? I'd sugguest trying more options before condemming it. Frankly, the way the returm process goes, it will cost you, several more times more than the unit cost, to return ship it, as defective.