As for broken WiFi -- yeah, I just tested it. It seems the Ubuntu 14.04-based images are broken in more ways than one and I just complained to Igor about it; future desktop - builds will probably use either Jessie or Ubuntu 16.04 as the base.
As for glxgears: it isn't meant for testing GLES -- Orange Pi's don't do full OpenGL, only GLES. Use es2gears instead. Only desktop-images have mali-libraries, though, and until Igor manages to make new desktop-images 3D-acceleration only works for root..Again, this is something that'll be fixed in new builds of the images, though. I just built a custom Armbian-image based on Jessie, with desktop, where GLES-acceleration works and VDPAU works. I also included a custom build of mpv that uses VDPAU for decoding of H.264 and HEVC by default, if one wishes to try playing video. The image can be found here: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.co ... 3.4.110_desktop.zip -- it should tide people over until Igor gets around to providing official updated images.
I have no idea how you can get 5min boot, though. Sounds like fucking bullshit to me -- even a hideously slow SD-card wouldn't be that slow.