No, it's not like on A10/20, where you can reserve video memory through config file. It has to be done in kernel building. This is what you need to read - Building Armbian. You have to edit compile.sh and set - KERNEL_CONFIGURE = yes. Then in edit prompt, that will show up, you have to locate ION section. It was somewhere in Drivers and edit this parameter:
- CONFIG_ION_SUNXI_RESERVE_LIST="160M@0,256M@0,130M@1,200M@1"
Copy code Change the first parameter - 160M, to something bigger - 192M, 224M, 256M, etc. Or you can manually edit kernel config file. It is located in - build/config/kernel/linux-sun8i-default.config for H3. Look for the above option in this file and edit it directly there. But in this case you probably have to set FORCE_CHECKOUT = no (maybe in first option too, if it doesn't work), in compile.sh . Armbian guys are sensitive in touching their sources , they provide some userpatches option instead, which is too complicated and uncertain for me. But you can try it too, if you know what to do. After you tweak kernel for necesscary ION value, you can build the whole new image, or use the quick way and build only kernel, then apply .deb file in working Armbian and reboot. system.log will show you what is the actual ION reserved memory.