@loboris, not sure if you are getting tired of hearing from me, not sure if you want to hear about all the little bugs or repeats of same bugs...let me know what you would like to hear about...and where... specific image problems under their headings or all in Debian where you usually seem to hang out?
While I'm here... I haven't seen anybody else talking about install to emmc in a while besides me...not sure why I'm having problems...here is latest attempt...(Immediatly prior to this, ubuntu wily installed to emmc (no btrfs) perfectly.)
orangepi@nohostname:/usr/local/bin> sudo ./install_to_emmc btrfs
bla bla bla.........
Partitioning EMMC ...
Creating boot & linux partitions
Formating fat partition ...
fat partition formated.
Formating linux partition (btrfs), please wait ...
ERROR formating btrfs partition.
orangepi@nohostname:/usr/local/bin> sudo ./install_to_emmc
Sun Oct 25 03:27:51 CET 2015
Installing Linux system to emmc
Erasing EMMC ...
Creating new filesystem on EMMC ...
New filesystem created on /dev/mmcblk1.
Partitioning EMMC ...
Creating boot & linux partitions
Formating fat partition ...
fat partition formated.
Formating linux partition (ext4), please wait ...
linux partition formated.
Instaling u-boot to EMMC ...
Mounting EMMC partitions...
FAT partitions mounted to /tmp/_fatdir
linux partition mounted to /tmp/_extdir
Copying file system to EMMC ...
Creating "fstab"
./install_to_emmc: line 194: /tmp/_extdir/etc/fstab: No such file or directory
./install_to_emmc: line 198: /tmp/_extdir/etc/fstab: No such file or directory
./install_to_emmc: line 200: /tmp/_extdir/etc/fstab: No such file or directory
./install_to_emmc: line 201: /tmp/_extdir/etc/fstab: No such file or directory
Linux system installed to EMMC.
@toxuin, I don't have a clue how you figured out the missing ./ but thanks, worked perfectly!