I know this was posted some time ago, but I recently received two zeros and had the same issue. First time I've ever seen a "pal" signal here in the USA. So for others with this problem here is my fix:
I was using the Debian desktop image. First I had to figure out what a "fex" file was and how to edit it. Turns out, on the images I have, the first partition on the uSD card is a small "FAT-32" partition. This partition contains a file called "script.bin". This is a "compiled" binary version of the "fex" file. The text version of this file is basically an "ini" file with information about how to configure the various on SOC features. You can read about it here: FEX Guide
To edit it, as mentioned above, you have to turn it back into its text-ini form. To do this you need the "sunxi-tools", which I found, with instructions, here: Sunxi-tools. I compiled them and used bin2fex to decode the "script.bin" file. Usage info is on that page. I then made the "11 to 14" change suggested above, but I made it to both the "screen0_output_mode" and "screen1_output_mode". Two displays? I wasn't sure which was used. After reading the lack of success above I figured the most likely bet was change both.
Then I "re-compiled" the FEX file to bin with "fex2bin". Command usage information is on the "Sunxi-tools" page noted above. Stick the new copy of "script.bin" back in partition 1 of the uSD card. dismount, and move it into your Zero and boot! Those of us in America should be able to see the display on our composite monitors/TVs. The OS image I used looks like the X server resolution is still set a bit too high because I get clipping of the desktop top and bottom. So I'll have to figure out what the resolution ought to be and change it. I would think 640x480... |