I just installed the FC22 alpha 3 Xfce image from:
http://download.fedoraproject.or ... _Alpha-3-sda.raw.xz
I did not test the other images to be found under the ARM section of http://spins.fedoraproject.org/en/prerelease but I expect no issues for these either.
I used the script below to write the image to an SD card (minimal 4 GB).
install_image /dev/sdX Fedora-Xfce-armhfp-22_Alpha-3-sda.raw.xz
where /dev/sdX is the name of the SD card.
The script will also set the root password to root
If there are issues feel free to drop a note in this thread.
Also if you have no problems, I appreciate a short message that things work for you.
Enjoy! Frans
if [ $# -ne 2 ]
echo "Usage: $0 /dev/sdX imagename"
echo " replace your device letter with X (so e.g. /dev/sdd)"
echo " make sure this sd card is empty and not mounted!"
exit 1
echo "About to write to $1"
echo "All data on this device will be lost!!!!"
echo "type \"yes\" (without the quotes) on the next line to continue"
echo "everything else will abort"
echo -n "Do you want to continue and loose all information on $1? "
read answer
if [ "$answer" != "yes" ]
echo "Aborting...."
exit 1
echo "Writing the image. This will take some time"
xzcat $2 | dd of=$1 bs=4M
echo "Downloading done; finishing up"
mkdir tmp$$
partprobe $1
#fdisk $1 << EOF
#partprobe $1
#e2fsck -f ${1}3
#resize2fs ${1}3
#partprobe $1
#sleep 10
#umount {1}1 2>/dev/null
#umount {1}3 2>/dev/null
mount ${1}3 tmp$$
dd if=tmp$$/usr/share/uboot/Bananapi/u-boot-sunxi-with-spl.bin of=${1} bs=1024 seek=8 conv=fsync,notrunc
sed -i "s/enforcing/disabled/" tmp$$/etc/selinux/config
sed -i "s/::/6$QJIBRZlj$K5msWRb0sqAdIDlnKgkyfpoSDgEblFb95vyTcFgCbBHqxQb9UDdVEPjaG69bAarff0nKAT2Rn3wDuNVkyPEmU0:/" tmp$$/etc/shadow
umount ${1}3
exit 0