Edited by sopifore at 2015-10-30 01:18
My goal is to get as up-to-date a version of Debian on the Orange Pi Plus (H3 model) as possible with as much of the on-board hardware working as possible.
This post is to document how I got Debian working on an Orange Pi Plus with the on-board wifi. It took much trial and error and I attempted this with many different images as my starting point.
- I used Win32DiskImager to write the image to a micro SD card
- Using the OrangePI_Jessie_Xfce.img from 31-August-2015 was a good start. (this thread)
- I followed the related instructions to download scriptbin_kernel.tar.gz from Oct 17 (same link)
- I expanded the gz and unpack the tar
- I followed the instructions to replace script.bin and uImage on the BOOT partition of the SD card
- For my setup, I used script.bin.OPI-PLUS_1080p60_hdmi and uImage_OPI-PLUS; renaming them to script.bin and uImage respectively
- For convenience, I also copied the lib/modules folder and everything in it to the BOOT partition
- I place the micro SD card into the RPi+ and booted it up with an HDMI monitor, USB keyboard, USB mouse, and Ethernet connected
- I logged in as user: root password: orangepi
- The ethernet (eth0) was working; the XFCE interface was rendered on my HDMI monitor
- I opened two File System windows
- I navigated one window to /lib and the other to /media/boot
- I renamed /lib/modules to /lib/modules.original
- I copied /media/boot/modules to /lib which gave me a new /lib/modules
- I rebooted the OPi+
- The console showed that wlan0 was renamed to rename7
- I logged in as user: root password: orangepi
- I edited /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules
- and commented out any lines which were not already commented out
- I rebooted the OPi+
- I logged in as user: root password: orangepi
- ifconfig showed eth0, lo, wlan0, and wlan1 (both wlan0 and wlan1 showed the same MAC address)
- I connected to my local wireless router
- I had an IP address but routing was not correct. I could not ping any address on my local or internet
- I tried many things but did not make any changes permanent
- I disconnected the ethernet and rebooted the OPi+
- I logged in as user: root password: orangepi
- This time I had a proper connection over wifi on wlan1 and I could ping both local and internet
Two problems remain
- there is wlan0 and wlan1 but I know there is only one wireless network device. I can use "ifconfig wlan1 down" to get rid of it
- in teh XFCE GUI, the network connection is always spinning (indicating it is connecting) even though the connection is already working - but clicking on it and then clicking on 'disconnect' for the ethernet which is not connected switches the indicator to the wifi signal icon so I'm not worried.
I will close the SD card and then see if apt-get update/upgrade is a good or bad thing to do. I will also disable XFCE since I don to need it.
If all of this works, I'll go back and repeat the process with the jessie_min image.
May thanks to loboris and others for all of their posts. My next task is to test GPIO and I2C.