Edited by MickPF at 2018-6-15 17:08
Most likely, this issue was already addressed in one thread and may even be resolved, but my search was unsuccessful.
Recently, I dug up my completely useless OrangePi Plus 2 again because I found the Armbian (Debian 9.x) with kernel 4.14.x on the internet and had a usage for it.
It works so far and can be used, only one thing does not work: The button 'Power' does not work.
I found on the internet instructions on how to use acpid to get them up and running, it is very easy:
Install package acpid
Create the file "/etc/acpi/events/button_power":
- event=button/power
- action=/sbin/shutdown -h now
Copy code Enable and (re)start the acpid.service. That's all, should be easy, even for a true professional like me.
Nothing happens when I press the button 'Power'! I can press and hold the button for hours, but nothing happens!
According to the (wrong) schematics it should be the GPIO PL3 (under Linux GPIO 355). The schamatics available on the internet belong to the OrangePi Plus and not to the OrangePi Plus 2.
I do not know if there are any significant differences in the schematics, but I noticed that the schematics and board drawings for OrangePi Plus 2 are still not available! One could get the impression that they are top secret ...
Because it does not work with acpid, I tested the button by the query of the GPIO:
- Command: echo "355" > "/sys/class/gpio/export"
- Command: cat "/sys/class/gpio/gpio355/direction"
- Output: in
- Command: cat "/sys/class/gpio/gpio355/active_low"
- Output: 0
- Command: cat /sys/class/gpio/gpio355/value"
- Output: 0
Copy code Pressing and holding power button
- Command: cat /sys/class/gpio/gpio355/value"
- Output: 0
Copy code My resume: It does not work also!
Is the specification of the GPIO 'PL3' wrong?
Is it another connection?
Thanks in advance,