It worked for my Orange Pi 2, for Lubuntu as well as for Raspbian. One strange thing I noticed is that eth0 is not available anymore in Lubuntu. I did not check this on Raspbian. As I mainly use WiFi with my OPi I did not pursue this to find out what happened and if it would be simple or not to fix.
@Steven: script only worked for me on a 64bit OS (openSUSE 13.1). It would be nice to have another version available that would run on 32 bit OSes. Except for this one partition I use for tests, I, for one, run only 32 bit OSes at home. It is very likely that some people would not have a 64 bit OS at hand.
@Steven: I have a rare monitor that has only 1080p. No 1080i, 720[ip], or 480[ip]. When I boot my OPi2 I do not see anything until the login screen, now at 1080p. I looked at the fex file and tried changing hdmi_mode to 10 in [boot_disp], hoping that I would be able to see the OS loading, but that did not happen. Any clues of what I should do in order to see the boot process?