Thanks for your reasonable answer.
I thought that my previous question was not so detailed, so let me explain more about it.
I have downloaded the Ubuntu14.04 LTS OrangePi image from the community site and then I wrote it into my SD Card.
When I tried to boot it from my OrangePI device, logged into it, and after used X-composite extension such as “xcompmgr”, X mouse cursor was frequently blinded.
I guess that it could be a problem which related to incorrect X video driver.
Now, the OrangePI device uses a common X video driver which is named of “fbdev”.
I think I can fix this out, but it only could be possible assuming that I know how to rebuild or configure the image with correct X driver.
Second question is, I found the mali.ko which has been used as gpu kernel driver, May I use this one?
I already tested it for X, hence, I wonder what is the differences of the cases that using or not this driver.
Third question is, when I tried to use the Ubuntu14.04 OrangePI image which has been downloaded from the community site, It’s just running on HDMI port, but not on VGA one.