Dear OrangePi-Forum community
I have downloaded Raspbian Server (http://www.orangepi.org/download ... 367e8175b1c992.html) and flashed it on a Class 10 Micro SD-HC with 8GB. I connects itself to a hotspot where the SSID and the PSK are both 'orangepi'. A few seconds after the connection to the hotspot is established I am able to ping my OrangePi (I assume SSH could also work but within that timewindow i wasn't yet able to connect). But then someting crashes and the OrangePi doesn't respond at all.
And now I don't really know what to do I would love to give you the serial debug output, but that doesnt't work. I am using a CH340G USB to TTL adapter with a BAUD Rate of both 511200 and 921600. Tried it with Putty and kermit, but there is just no output. But as an alternative I can offer you a dump from all the files from /var/log/messages, you can get them from here: https://mega.nz/#!2c8nzaoB!8X8sO6GTuoH-iXdDNqAWmjgvhLOiYUd9s1sVhToiALY . If you need further information or have any ideas how i could solve this problem please answer this thread.