Edited by LesF at 2017-10-2 15:01
I have booted into the Debian image for the OPi Zero and found a README file which says:
use wifi
1)edit file
$ nano /etc/network/wpa_supplication.conf
2)connect wifi
$ ifconfig wlan1 up
$ sudo wpa_supplicant -i wlan1 -c /etc/network/wpa_supplication.conf &
$ dhcpcd wlan1 &
So I followed the first step, but on the 2nd step it tells me there is no wlan1 device. Also tried wlan0 which didn't exist either.
In etc/network/interdaces it had:
source-directory /etc/network/interfaces.d
auto wlan1
iface wlan1 inet dhcp
wpa-ssid xunlong_orangepi
wpa-psk xunlong_orangepi_12345678
I assumed the image was ready to use on a Zero, maybe I missed some extra instructions somewhere?
Should I just look up standard instructions for Jessie to get the wifi set up correctly?