This post was finally edited by naranjito at 2023-8-26 03:00
I'm creating a project to use Orange Pi 5+ as a NAS server. The main idea is to create a NAS using 5 or 6 2.5inch SSDs running on ZFS as storage. I also intend to use Nextcloud to make this project easy to use.
The plan to do it is:
- Orange Pi 5 Plus 16 GB RAM
- Orange Pi 5 Plus EMMC 256 GB
- WiFi Intel AX210NGW
- Conversion card M.2 NVME to 6x SATA 3
- 5x SSD 2.5inch 2TB
- 2x DC-DC Step-Down module
- 12V 5A power source
- DC Power Jack (compatible with your power source)
- SATA power 1 to 5 extension
- 5x SATA data cable
- USB-C power cable
- 3D Printable case
- Some philips screw for Hard Drive
1- Print the case.
2- Connect the power jack to both Step-Down inputs and adjust then to have 5V output.
3- Carefully cut the input plug from USB-C power cable and connect it to 5V output from Step-Down
4- Carefully cut the input plug from SATA power extension and connect it on the other Step-Down using 5V (output) and 12V (input).
5- Connect conversion card M.2 NVME to 6x SATA as an NVME disk
6- Connect the EMMC card
7- Connect the WiFi card
8- Screw the Orange Pi 5 Plus board
9- Connect power cables and data cables to your SSDs. Data cables must be connected to M.2 NVME to SATA board.
10- Assembly the box (I made 3D the project to be just fittings. It is only necessary to screw the motherboard).
11- Connect USB-C power cable to Orange Pi 5 Plus power connector.
The idea was:
- Install Ubuntu Server on EMMC
- Configure ZPool with raidz
- Install CasaOs
- Install NextCloud
Challenge 1 - I'm trying to move the system from SD card to EMMC and my board isn't booting from EMMC. I've tried script, dd and also installed an Ubuntu image directly on EMMC using Balena Etcher. Nothing...
Challenge 1 - WiFi is another problem. I'm using the same model with the same Ubuntu version on Intel PC with no problem. On the Orange Pi 5 Plus the AX210NGW board isn't recognizable.
Tips to solve those challenges are very welcomed! 
I'm following the project with SD card and network card + USB wifi dongle.
(When I finish the project, maybe I'll create a video about it)